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What We're About
A love of music drives all the DJs that convene for our gatherings. They all donate their personal time to make our events the overwhelming success they always are. These DJs use their talents to make a living, but do not hesitate to give back when called upon. We may not all have the same methods or musical styles but together music unites us for great causes.
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Our Team
Christopher Sneed
Founder of DJs Unite & Event Organizer
Danielle Stevens
Assistant Event Organizer
Alison Celentano
Graphic Designer
Catherine Bruschetta
Financial Manager
Joe Rutzler
Founding Member
Event Planner
John Meyer Jr.
Founding Member
Event Venue Allocation
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Our Sponsors
Vol. 7 Sponsors
Please click here to find out how you can help sponsor Vol. 8
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Past DJs Unite Volumes
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